Some of you may have noticed the strange frame brake in the 3-4th frames. Well to elaborate here’s the conversation that took place between me and the writer (my imagination)
Imagination (Ima.): and it can’t show nipple.
Joey (Me): ok, we’ll just change her pose and the camera angle like so…
Ima: No, that’ll ruin the flow of action.
Me: no it won’t, It’ll improve it, see if we draw her with a completed swing, it not only covers her but increases the level of action!
Ima: but she’s not hitting him that hard, she’s putting him into position.
Me: then we’ll have to show nipple, it’s not that big a deal. Besides, I don’t think you should sensor yourself.
Ima: I’m not censoring myself; I just feel that full frontal nudity would destroy the “feel” I’m trying to convey.
Me: …O…k. How about I put a whiff of steam or some suds here.
Ima: no, that’s tacky!
Me: …how about a pointless frame-brake?
Ima: YES! That’s genius! I’m glad I thought of it!
Me: NO YOU* wait…
Starting at 12:00 and moving clockwise *The wooden mallet: Other than the default traits that all the mallets have, this mallet is just like your normal large wooden mallet. The default traits are that the user can summon it at a moments whim, wield it as if it was light as a feather duster, and if broken, will be fixed upon re-summoning *The flaming mallet of doom: The default traits and, it does an ungodly amount of damage. The mallet has a blast radius that can be as small as an alarm clock, or as big as a large city, depending on Hime’s preference at the time. *The undead mallet of death, glory, and destruction: This mallet was once a very powerful lich, who effectively ruled the world for over 100 years. His horrible tyranny was eventually brought to an end be a group of spell-weavers who defeated him, striped him of most of his body and all of his will, transforming him into nothing more then an immensely powerful living item of power. This Mallet is very versatile and can do many things, including summon up objects like the rake in page three of issue one. In fact, Hime has been using this mallet to stay afloat during her period of unemployment. She does not like relying on any of her mallets in this way, but desperate times call for desperate measures. *The Black mallet of impending doom: This is Hime’s nastiest mallet, not because of the damage it does (getting hit with this thing is like getting hit with a 200 LB lead mallet), but because of the fact that the victim is eternally cursed; from this life to the next, for the rest of eternity nothing will ever go well for the victim. The victim will never again know happiness, comfort, good fortune or anything else positive. The only thing they will know, is Murphy’s law.
&nbep; |